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Give Up Coffee

So have you noticed that there is a Starbuck’s on every corner these days? People are willing to pay $3 or so for a cup of coffee everyday. This yields over a thousand dollars a year. I think you can guess what my opinion is on this one – WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY. Most […]

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Going Gluten Free

So, what is gluten? Gluten is a protein component found in many grains, including wheat, rye, bran, spelt, oats, barley, plus many more. Gluten is in most breads, pastas, cereals, and crackers What’s the significance of gluten? Studies show that 1 in 258 people may have celiac disease. This condition is caused by the inability […]

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Dangers of Soy

Soy foods have become VERY popular these days. However, there seems to be a lot of controversy over the health benefits of soy. I am going to explain both sides of the story without bias, then I will give you my opinion, as I normally advice my clients. SOY BASICS It all starts with the […]

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Random Nutrition Facts

Why does asparagus make your pee smell bad? I know that I have pondered this question my whole life. However, some people may think that I am crazy. It turns out that approximately half the population finds that their urine smells bad a few hours after they’ve eaten asparagus. Asparagus has many sulfur-containing amino acids […]

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Causes for Inflammation

Inflammation, joint pain and arthritis affects millions of Americans. With arthritis, he number is rising over 40 million. I picked this topic because Arthritis is a widespread problem of epidemic proportions and there are actually natural ways that people can help themselves. Arthritis Related to Digestive Issues The term Arthritis refers to over 100 diseases […]

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Too Much Vitamin E?

Many of you may have heard of a recent study suggesting that Vitamin E supplementation may be harmful for your health. Miller’s-et-al article, “High-Dosage Vitamin E Supplementation May Increase All-Cause Mortality” reported that supplemental intake of Vitamin E at doses greater than 150 IU/day progressively increase your mortality. After a segment was aired on the […]

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Should You Take Vitamins?

Many doctors tell their patients that nutrition supplementation is not needed. Well, I beg to differ. First of all, it is virtually impossible to meet the recommended daily values for vitamins and minerals with proper diet alone. Health authorities recommend that we eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily and 2-3 servings of ocean […]

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Trying to Lose Weight?

For most people, their new year’s resolution is to lose a few pounds or a lot of weight. I respect people’s desires and goals, but I’m sick of the quick fix, “Fad Diets”. In case you have not noticed, Americans are dieting more than ever, yet we are getting fatter and fatter with more chronic […]

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